Sorry to all those that PM'd me ran into a nice long streak of doubles at work and didn't have the time nor energy to get online /:

Well, out of all the eggs that were harvested only about 30 completely hatched. Then out of those 30 about 17 survived due to a large amount of cannibalism, even when fed 2 times a day if their siblings were unfortunate enough to bump into a brother or sister it was guaranteed that they would lose a limb or if they were small enough swallowed whole. It was pretty gruesome/terrifying :|

One of the poor guys got his legs eaten before I could reach in and grab him out. I have named him YumYum and the lucky guy gets his own 20gal aquarium to himself.

Here are a few pictures of them, I have kept 4 of them (besides yumyum) and they are growing rapidly in a 20 gal aquarium with plenty of hiding spots. I plan on setting up a 55 gal for them in about 2 weeks when they outgrow the 20.